The Kane County Human Resources Consortium (KCHRC), formed in 2002, is a cooperative effort among the nine public K-12 school districts and the Regional Office of Education in Kane County, Illinois. Dedicated to the recruitment, selection, and professional growth of quality educators, the Consortium has created a single online application process allowing applicants to submit a teaching application to the following public school districts:


In recent years, these public school districts have hired a combined average of 800 teachers per year

Why work in Kane County?

The majority of Kane County’s population is located along the Fox River Valley, approximately 35 miles west of Chicago (see map). Our proximity to the nation’s third-largest city provides convenient access to all that a metropolitan area has to offer.

  • There are nine (9) local school districts (all Pre-K to 12 units) in Kane County that serve more than 105,000 public school students. Each district has a distinct character arising from its unique community of learners and educators.
  • These districts employ 6,600 public school teachers.
  • There are roughly 527,306 residents in Kane County.
  • Teacher salaries in Kane County rank among the top in the state and nation.
  • Kane County is home to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the Illinois Math and Science Academy and four colleges.
  • For demographic information on Kane County, visit the Census 2010 QuickFacts web site.

Diversity in Kane County

The Kane County Human Resources Consortium is preparing for the not-too-distant future in which it is estimated that by the year 2050, 47.2% of the U.S. population non-caucasian.  Today, in Kane County alone, dozens of languages are spoken by nearly half-a-million people of which 384,548 are White; 29,422 are African-American; 158,390 are Latino; 2,887 are American Indian; and 17,895 are Asian and Pacific Islander (sources: Census 2010 QuickFacts).

In an effort to align our teacher recruitment efforts to reflect this diverse student population, KCHRC member districts are committed to increasing the number of minority teachers through the development and implementation of strategies to recruit, support, and retain minority staff members.

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